The cheeses and the prizes

We are incredibly proud! Our delicious quality cheeses from Lutjewinkel have clinched 7 prestigious awards at the World Championship Cheese Contest (WCCC) in Wisconsin, USA.

Lutjewinkel1916 Lekker & Licht received a Gold Medal in the Reduced Fat Hard Cheeses category. Silver was awarded to Noord-Hollandse Gouda Jong belegen (Gouda Young category), Lutjewinkel1916 Pittig & Romig(Gouda Mature category), De Rotterdamsche Oude 55wk (Gouda Extra Aged category) and Noord-Hollandse Lutjewinkel 35+ Belegen(Reduced Fat Semi-Soft Cheeses category). Lutjewinkel1916 Robuust & Romig (Gouda Extra Aged category) and Noord-Hollandse Lutjewinkel 35+ Extra Belegen (Reduced Fat Hard Cheeses category) both received Bronze Medals.

About the Contest

The World Championship Cheese Contest is the world’s premier technical cheese, butter and yogurt competition. Organized biennially since 1957 by the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, the contest took place from March 5-7, 2024, at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Entries are evaluated by a team of skilled technical judges from around the globe. Key criteria for the judges include body and texture, color, finish, packaging and above all, taste!

A gold medal, silver medal, and bronze medal are awarded to the top three entries in each class.

Strength in the chain

We are once again very proud of these achievements. These results underscore how collaboration leads to superior outcomes. Every day, colleagues in every part of this unique chain work with passion and dedication to deliver the finest Noord-Holland cheeses to our customers. From dairy farmers, cheese makers, cheese agers and packers to our drivers. This way your customers can continue to enjoy the best flavors from Dutch soil.

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