On the way to PlanetProof is an independent quality mark that shows that food and ornamental plant products are produced more sustainably and are therefore a better choice for nature, climate and animals. On the way to PlanetProof is available for eggs, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, floriculture, dairy and processed food and is one of the 12 top quality marks in the field of nutrition. When the PlanetProof logo is on a product, this means that the entire chain is certified. Zijerveld falls under the FrieslandCampina certificate.
The meadow milk logo guarantees that the product is made from meadow milk. Meadow milk is milk from farms where cows graze in the meadow for at least 120 days a year, at least 6 hours a day, from spring to autumn. The milk is collected separately and processed into fresh dairy – such as (butter)milk, custard and yoghurt – cheese and other dairy products. The Weidegang Foundation guarantees the production process, transport and processing of the meadow milk into the final pasture dairy product.
An agricultural product or food may only be called organic if the production process meets legal requirements. To protect consumers against fraud, the Skal foundation monitors compliance with these rules at companies. This is done through inspection, certification and sanctions for violations.
The criteria in the BRC standard have been drawn up by the British retail industry. The standard aims for uniform requirements and assessments of food suppliers. This standard has also been followed in the Netherlands. Qlip is accredited according to NEN-EN 45011 (RvA reg. no. C195) and recognized by BRC in the UK.
The criteria in the IFS standard have been drawn up by the German and French retail sector and thus meet the demand of mainly German and French customers. Qlip is accredited according to NEN-EN 45011 (RvA reg. no. C 195) and recognized by the Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels in Berlin.
KB stands for Quality Assurance on Farm Dairy Products (Kwaliteitszorg Boerderijzuivelproducten). Farmers who make KB cheese are affiliated with the Farmer’s Cheese Quality Assurance Foundation.
VLOG stands for Verordnung Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik. This quality mark only applies to products delivered in Germany. It means that no GMO (genetically modified ingredients) have been used for the production of the end products. For cheese this means from cow (animal feed) to cheese (ingredients).