The basis of success

The difference is in our quality

Quality Assurance is important in Velder’s daily operations. In recent years we have experienced constant growth. A growth that is due to a focus on quality, where taste, knowledge, performance and food safety are central.

Quality is the key to success. We are at the center of the chain and are involved from production to distribution. We therefore consider a strict procedure for quality assessment of suppliers and service providers to be self-evident.

All our locations comply with the following quality certifications, among others: BRC, IFS, Skal. Our partners in the chain also meet our high-quality requirements.

Safety for everyone

Visible and tangible commitment

Velder considers safe business practices important. That is why we are committed to the health and safety of our employees, our visitors and everyone who works for our company. We are convinced that all accidents can be prevented. Working safely therefore has absolute top priority within Velder.

Our safety policy that we pursue focuses on the following topics:

  • Development and maintenance of the safety management system aimed at continuous improvement.
  • Compliance with all legal obligations and industry agreements.
  • Life Saving Rules: full compliance with our Life Saving Rules.
  • Conducting risk analyses based on which targeted actions are deployed to improve health and safety.

Within our company, we expect visible and tangible commitment. Commitment to making our company a safe working environment. Every employee, contractor, and visitor is responsible for their own safety as well as the safety of others.

More about quality & safety?

Safety and health rules

Safety for visitor, contractor and supplier

We consider the safety and health of our visitors and employees very important. That is why we have laid down our safety and health rules in regulations. Before entering our site, we ask you to take this information to yourself.

Work by mechanics and contractors
A number of additional rules apply for those who perform work on our sites. Work may be performed only if the following requirements are met:

  • Mechanics are in possession of a VCA diploma.
  • Followed the Velder gate instruction.
  • Work may only be performed if one is in possession of a work permit.